This stuff is shockingly helpful for the skin issues we've come up against with our horses. Not just our OTTBs. Charlie gets very gritty, scabby skin right at where her naval is. Flies like to sit there and chew on her, and no amount of fly spray has helped. I used this stuff on her ONCE, and her naval was clear of all scabs and grit. I haven't even had to put on a second coat of it yet, and it's been months! We also used it on Remi's rear legs, where he gets 'stud crud', and my mom was flabbergasted at how well this stuff worked to clear it up.
I was not looking for a product to combat these things. I happened upon it while browsing horse products on Amazon. I went through the reviews and was startled at all of the positive testimonials. Why not give it a try? I'm SO glad that I did because it has helped a lot.
Link to the product-