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My Lip Balm situation!

Do you struggle to find the perfect lip balm for your daily needs? One that is regularly available, and doesn't seem to go out of stock when you really need it? I know I do!

I will just get to the point. I completely fell in love with a brand of lip balm called artnaturals, and now I can't find replacements for the ones that I'm running out of, because for some reason they are all out of stock. I got the set at Walmart for around $7.00 and Amazon has also sold it at a similar price. Now the only available ones I'm able to find are on some website asking $25.00 for one 3 pack, which is just absurd. 

I really like this lip balm, and it has been the only type that I have tried that keeps my lips hydrated. I have tried nearly everything available in stores from Lip Smackers on up the line to the more pricey stuff. None of them seem to have the conditioning power of this serum trio by artnaturals. 

*Carmex (squeeze tube) type is okay, and I typically have it on hand. However, it is not as conditioning (or lasting). 

*Blistex (squeeze tube, and stick) are also okay, but they don't seem to cling to the skin much and fade quickly.

*Eos (any stick balm) is awful for me. It does not moisturize my lips at all and actually made my dry cracked lips worse.

*Lip Smackers is okay, I've used it several times and it has a bit of staying power to the lips, and a bit of the conditioning power I need.

*Mongo Kiss starts out nice and conditioning but when it fades off of my lips, they can feel drier than they should.

In the end I will have to see if I can find something comparable to artnaturals lip balm in the meantime, while it is out of stock, which is upsetting. I'm hoping they have not completely pulled this particular product from being manufactured, unless it's for a really good reason that I'm just not aware of. I have a tendency to have very dry lips that crack easily, so I will update this blog if I find something that works similarly, if not better than this artnaturals trio. 

Thank you for reading, and God bless you.



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